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Diskeeper Accused of Scientology Indoctrination
Two ex-employees have sued Diskeeper Corporation in Los Angeles Superior Court after being fired, alleging that the company makes Scientology training a mandatory condition of employment. Diskeeper founder and CEO Craig Jensen is a high level, publicly avowed Scientologist who has given millions to his Church. Diskeeper's surprising response to the lawsuit appears to be that religious instruction in a place of employment is protected by the First Amendment.
You see this guy, the one with the red eyes and the 80’s sunglasses? If you ever see his face stay far far away. You know how he gets his bling bling, by signing yo ass up for a pyramid scheme SON! If you look behind him to the left it seems he robbed that dude and got surprised by some one taking his picture. OH SHIT DAWG YOU BUSTED!
Mixed In Key
You can detect keys with a piano, a good ear, and a background in music theory. To save time, you can use professional DJ software such as Mixed In Key. Mixed In Key scans your MP3 and WAV files, and shows you the key of every song.
AC3Filter is a high quality free audio decoder and processor filter. It allows media players to playback movies with AC3 and DTS audio tracks. Also it can process any audio track, much of processing options allows to adjust the sound in almost any way. It is possible to upmix any audio source to 6 channels.
“Beware of the DogHouse”
“beware, this is an ad for jc penny”
still funny.
RIAA Drops Lawsuits, Makes Deal with ISPs
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal this morning, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has finally realized the folly of its anti-piracy strategy and decided to abandon its mass lawsuits against those who share files over P2P networks.
Star Trek’s Majel Barrett-Roddenberry Dead at 76
She will be missed. She at least recorded the voice of the computer on the new Enterprise.
Virtual On Trademark Renewed
Does this mean a Virtual On Game soon to come? Oh Hell Yes!!! Dual Analog sticks for control, I can totally see this happening.