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Crazy Local TV Commercials
More funny ads at the link but I think this is the best, not only for the video but the website is real! This dude is my hero!
Teenage California KFC employees strip down and bathe in sink
Unfortuntely not as NSFW as I’d like but pics in the story.
Star Wars: The Old Republic – New Footage
Very interesting BioWare, I think they touched on the one thing I hated about WoW, I never felt like anything I did mattered while there was this supposed Epic Battle going on around me. Can they make it work, will I finally be able to smuggle more than grapes, we shall see. For now my interest is definately peaked.
Whose co-op is best?
Gamesrader goes and tests out the latest alphabet soup games Gears of War 2 (GoW2), Call of Duty: World at War (COD:W@W), Resistance 2 (RE2), Saints Row 2 (SR2), Left 4 Dead (L4D) and finally Fable 2 (F2). Who will survive a fight with your friends to the death? ZOMBIES that’s WHO!
I would like to get in on some Gears of War 2 action when it makes it way to the PC, Horde mode sounds fun. But I’m not sure it can beat Left 4 Dead in shear zombie awesomeness!
Skills With A 15 Ton Front Loader Video
wow. just wow. this guy does a stoppie with a friggen front loader!
Think before you flush or brush
One of my friends from high school has made a habit of putting toilet seat lids down before she flushes. She started doing this about four years ago when she heard that when toilets are flushed, water droplets are expelled from the toilet bowl into the air, and when they land, other areas of the bathroom get "contaminated" by toilet water. That always amused me, but when I went over to her house, I humored her and followed this personal rule of hers. However, I didn't know—and chances are, she didn't know—just how justified she was in worrying about in what is known as the "aerosol effect" in toilets.
If I Die A Bacon-Related Death, I’d Like It To Be Because Of This
BEHOLD the mighty BACON ROLL!!
Bush Condemns Free National Wi-Fi
Once again not only does Bush have his head up his ass but so does all of his cabinet. And what did happen with that recount in Florida??
Dollar Devaluation To Fix The Great Recession
Wow! Frank Beck is saying if we make our dollar worth less, stuff will be worth more, make sense it takes more dollars to buy. Now this all went down during the Great Depression and eventually as we know they got back to normal. Will it work again? I dont’ know, it seems a crazy thought to do it. Then again, he does make a good point about giving banks Trillions upon Trillions of dollars after they are the ones that fucked us up.