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The Etiquette for Texting at the Dinner Table
She now finds it necessary to weigh in on the texting issue specifically: No texting at the dinner table, particularly at home. “The family meal is a social event,” she said in a phone interview, “not a food ingestion event.”
RPG Vault: Jeff Vogel’s View From the Bottom #12
Personal thoughts on whether the "addiction-based game design" we see in the massively multiplayer sector is evil
’80s Bad Guys — Where Are They Doing Evil Now?
2 mentions from The Karate Kid, both Jonny Lawrence and John Kreese make this list golden!
8 Toxic personalities to avoid
aside from the silly nick-names, this is a pretty good article.
10 Tips Good Girls Can Learn from Porn Stars
Whether you hate that your guy watches porn or opt to watch it with him, you always wonder about one thing: the mystique of the porn star. She’s everything a good girl doesn’t want to be — except in the bedroom. Wish you could mesmerize your man like his favorite video vixen? Brenda Della Casa, author of Cinderella Was a Liar, has compiled a cheat sheet of porn babes’ best-kept secrets. Once you know what they know, you can try the tricks at home — no overprocessed hair or camcorder required.
New Zealand Bank Error Fugitives Foiled By Facebook Status Update
I really wanted to file this under RETARD but seriously how dumb are criminals to talk about shit they stole or have gotten from illegal ways on facebook, myspace or even the damn local radio, WTF people!
A Gallery of Cosplay Demotivational Posters
Ah Cosplay, a nice cameo by the Cammie cosplay. SFW
Tweeting Too Hard
Self absorbed douchebags and douchebagettes tweeting about what else? Themselves.