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Hive Five: Five Best Live CDs
The Ultimate Boot CD 4 Windows has a familiar interface. If you're a Windows user, booting into a copy of Linux to get work done could be disorienting. The Ultimate Boot CD 4 Windows uses your Windows installation discs (only Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are officially supported) to create a bootable version of Windows contained on a disc.
Deep Dish Cylindrical Parabolic Template
Basically this antenna is so easy to make, tune, and install, and it performs so well that it is foolish not to try one before electing to purchase a commercial antenna, if for no other reason than you can check to see if you are purchasing enough commercial antenna to make the link you want to make.
Ammiano to Introduce Legislation Monday to Allow Pot — and Tax It
The story SF Weekly broke on Friday is true: Assemblyman Tom Ammiano will announce legislation on Monday to legalize marijuana and earn perhaps $1 billion annually by taxing it.
Mecke said Ammiano's proposed bill "would remove all penalties in California law on cultivation, transportation, sale, purchase, possession, or use of marijuana, natural THC, or paraphernalia for persons over the age of 21."
The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs
2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at
3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at
4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at
Cosplaying Booth Babes of 2009
Oh yes there is more, mmmmmmmmmmmm asian hotness!
The Pac-Man Dossier
The most in depth piece on pac-man that you will ever read. Period. I learned something new even – cornering!
Celebrities and Their Rides
Of course when you make millions, what would you drive?
Double Penetrator L4D
Create your own funny L4D Achievements
Other funny ones from the forums: